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Introduction: what is IIS Tilde Enumeration

IIS Tilde Enumeration (or IIS 8.3 Short Name Disclosure) is a vulnerability that allows to enumerate the 8.3 filenames on the Microsoft Internet Information Services web server.

For more details about how this vulnerability works please refer to the discoverer’s research paper.

It is a vulnerability covered with mystery: despite almost 10 years having passed since its public disclosure it is still a common and widespread issue (~60-70% of IIS web servers I encountered during WAPTs were vulnerable), and yet very unfamiliar to most people.

So, intrigued by its history and fascinated about the way it worked, I decided to write a Burp Suite extension about this vulnerability, in order to facilitate its exploitation during pentests and in the same time study the vulnerability and learn to code Burp Suite extensions.

Features of the Burp extension

This extension will add an Active Scanner check for detecting IIS Tilde Enumeration vulnerability and add a new tab in the Burp UI to manually check and exploit the vulnerability

In the Burp UI tab you can:

  • Check if a host is vulnerable without exploiting the vulnerability
  • Exploit the vulnerability by enumerating every 8.3 short name in an IIS web server directory
  • Configure the parameters used for the scan and customize them in any way you want
  • Edit the base request performed (you can add headers, cookies, edit the User Agent, etc)
  • Save the scan output to a file

Fun fact: IIS Tilde Enumeration in portswigger.net

During the development of the extension, while I was deep in the rabbit hole of the Burp Extender API’s documentation, I noticed that the PortSwigger forum had a Discussion.aspx page, which made me realize that portswigger.net was running IIS.

Vsauce meme

So I tried to scan it using my own extension on it and suprisingly I found out that “portswigger.net” was vulnerable!

I reported the issue to their Bug Bounty program via HackerOne and received a $250 bounty, which may be considered as a low reward for a bug bounty, but I don’t care since for me finding a totally unexpected bug on PortSwigger is priceless!

Source, download and installation

The source code of the Burp extension is available on the GitHub repository.
It is possible to directly download the jar file from here and install it by adding it to Burp Suite through the Burp Extender functionality.

UPDATE: The extension has been added to the BApp Store, so it is possible to download and install it directly from there.